A “Culture of Learning” is the aggregate of our existing Mission Statement, Beliefs and Vision Statement emphasizing that every student should achieve their maximum potential.
Student Performance
∙ Investigate and consider programs that address the basic needs of students that relate to learning and academic performance. These needs may be related, but not limited to; student nutrition, student health and wellness and before and after school supervised learning opportunities.
∙ Enhance the remedial education opportunities for struggling students and challenge achieving students.
∙ Strengthen and expand student interest, and performance, in math and science, through curricular and extracurricular means.
∙ Expand high school course offerings equitably for all students whether college bound, technical career or school to work.
∙ Routinely and effectively recognize the outstanding academic accomplishments of individual students or competitive groups.
∙ Aggressively seek and analyze post graduate statistics do determine the success of meeting the student’s academic preparation needs during high school.
Highly Qualified Staff
∙ Tailor professional development to respond to assessed student needs.
∙ Staff should strive to facilitate a “Culture of Learning” at school.
∙ Staff should strive to facilitate a standard of “Ethical Leadership”, recognizing the value of loyalty, hard work and dedication in all student activities.
Facilities, Support and Instructional Resources
∙ Design and construct additional or expanded facilities to accommodate enrollment growth, increase student safety and security, and expand academic offerings within the financial limits of the district.
∙ Maintain and / or upgrade existing facilities to their optimum condition and utilization within the financial limits of the district.
Parent and Community Involvement
∙ Through the Community Liaison Coordinator (CLC), provide communication methods from the district (BOE, administration and teachers) to parents and patrons with a thorough, clear, consistent and timely educational message.
∙ Emphasize to the community outstanding academic achievements and accomplishments of students.
∙ Encourage parental responsibility in the educational process of their children at home and at school. Parents should encourage their children to achieve their maximum potential.
∙ Work closely with the administration and CLC conveying the mission of the BOE. ∙ Promote the “Culture of Learning” in the district.
∙ Promote patron support in meeting the facility needs of the district.