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Strafford Schools April 2023 Ballot Measures

ECC Building


On April 4, 2023, voters in the Strafford R-VI School District will be asked to consider two separate ballot measures:

Proposition K.I.D.S. will be a No-Tax Increase Bond Referendum that would provide $10 Million in funds for renovations, improvements, additions, and safety & security needs of the district. It is important to note this measure would not increase the adjusted debt service tax rate, which would remain at $.70.

Proposition 2 will be an operating tax levy increase for the purposes of attracting and retaining quality certified, support, and safety faculty and staff, maintaining facilities, and meeting additional operating expenses.

(If this proposition is approved, the adjusted operating tax levy of the District is estimated to increase from $2.750, currently, to $3.1000 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation and will be applied to the assessed valuation in Tax Year 2023 and each year thereafter.)


To view more information and details, please visit the link below:
Strafford Schools April 2023 Ballot Measures

Bond and Levy Frequently Asked Questions